# Introduction
Xela Technologies Ltd’s Event Booking software is designed for the ordering, payment processing and management of hospitality catering for bespoke events. Applications include Shared Christmas parties, Drinks only pre-ordering and Restaurant booking.
This software consists of two key components: an admin system, designed for administrators to set up events, automate package sales, and generate reports, and a customer site that enables customers to conveniently place orders and make payments. This part of the documentation is intended to provide support for bookers navigating the Customer Facing Site to place orders. It provides guidance for both customers and administrators on how to use Customer site-specific features.
# Features
The Customer Facing Site provides a user-friendly ordering experience with the following features:
Event Group Selection: start your journey with a selection of an event group.
Event Selection: select from a variety of events within the chosen event group.
Ticket Selection: choose your desired tickets for the event.
Ticket Quantities: customize your order by specifying the quantity of tickets you wish to buy.
Drink Selection: enhance your event experience by selecting beverages, ensuring you have everything you need for a great time.
Contact Details: provide essential contact information, including your name, email, phone, and address.
Dietary Requirements: specify dietary preferences and requirements, such as Nut Allergy, Vegan, or General preferences.
Order Summary: review your order details, including contact information, special requests, payment type, and consent statements.
WorldPay Payments: checkout and complete your payment securely using WorldPay.
Edit Order: modify your order details to adjust party size, product quantities, contact information, dietary requirements, or settle any outstanding balances.
Split Bill: modify your order details to adjust party size, product quantities, contact information, dietary requirements, or settle any outstanding balances.
Authentication: create an account or log in easily to make the orders easily and expedite future ordering. On the My Profile page, you can also access and edit all your previous orders and manage customer consents.