# Bulk Emails
# Event Selection
The Bulk Emails
page allows you to efficiently send immediate emails to the selected event or event group audience.

# Email Setup
After selecting an event or event group on the initial Event Selection
screen, you will have access to the Email Setup
screen where you can compose the body of the emails.

Within this setup, you can provide information for the following fields:
/Event Group
- previously chosen event group or event for which the emails are being prepared.Email from Name
- the name from which the email will be sent.Email from
- the email address from which the emails will be sent.Subject
- the subject line of the email.Salutation
- the greeting or opening of the email.Message Text
- the main content of the email.Signatory
- the name of the sender of the email, along with a closing message.
# Email Preview
After clicking the Continue
button, the next screen, Email Preview,
allows you to send the prepared email to yourself so that you can evaluate how it meets your requirements and ensure that all the necessary information is included.

# Recipient Selection
If the email message content meets all your requirements, you can proceed to the Recipient Selection
screen, which allows you to select recipients and send the email.