# Dietaries Configuration

The Set Up Menu > Dietaries Configuration page allows you to configure specific dietary options, such as vegan or nut allergy preferences. The Dietary options will appear in Recent Orders->Notes and during the order checkout process on the client site.

# Display Dietary

Upon clicking the chosen dietary option, on the Display Dietary screen, you will find details of the dietary preference, including Name, Active status, Input Type, and the event group for which the dietary preference is Enabled for.

Display Dietary

# Add New Dietary

To create a new dietary preference, navigate to the Set Up Menu > Dietaries Configuration page, where all available dietary options are displayed. Then, select the Add action, which opens the Add a New Dietary screen.

Add Dietaries

On the Add a New Dietary screen, you can indicate whether the dietary is Active and specify its Name and Type. The available dietary types include:

  • Text - this option is for non-standard dietary requirements, allowing clients to specify special requests, such as "no fish, please."
  • Number - this option is used when clients need to specify a numeric value, such as indicating the number of vegetarians at their ordered table or when the dietary is intended for a family ticket.
  • Checkbox - clients can use this option to mark a checkbox, for example, if someone at their table has a lactose allergy.

On the client site, customers will be given the option to select active dietary preferences when placing an order, as seen in the image below.

Dietary Requirements Front Site


Dietary preferences for a specific event can be enabled on the Event Groups page by clicking on the desired event group and then clicking the Modify button within the Display Event Group screen. On the Modify Event Group screen, you can activate dietary options by ticking the Dietaries Active checkbox.